
{gifts}: quiet

I had a VERY rare and aweseome experience yesterday, and I kind of want to share:

I was on Temple Square shooting a wedding yesterday and it was snowing-wet, slushy snow that kept even the hearty inside.  I like to scout out which steps are going to be the best for the day so I walked around to the backside of the temple and found myself alone.  Alone.  Absolutely no one in sight.  Not a single human being.  And with the snow blanketing the noise, I was very quietly alone.  On temple square.  At Christmas time.  Some of you may be saying 'I do not see what the big deal is...' but this is a big deal.  The best part?  As I stood there, under my orange umbrella, enjoying the short second of peace away from a wonderful, but chaotic wedding, the tabernacle choir began to play (because of the nativity nearby) and I was able to have just one moment of much needed peace.


  1. hello there. I found your blog from morgan dewey's and I love it! I enjoyed my blogstalking time here. not to creep you out or anything, you're just a good writer.

  2. that IS definitely a big deal...you gave me goosebumps. how awesome! did ya happen to have your camera during this peaceful moment? ;)


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