{clarity}: the womenfolk
{adventure}: toquerville falls

He had to pose with it because he loves it! Froggie!
{consequences}: supernatural
- Salt has moved to the top of my "food storage needs" list.
- When my cats eyes dialated (turned almost completely black because she wanted to play) I salted her and lit her on fire.
- Guns are looking like maybe a good investment.
- That silver refining community ed class is looking like a good idea.
- We have finalized our zombie attack plan-meet at costco....uh...unless you're already a zombie...then...meet at Walmart? in bloomington?
- I'm thinking its a good thing one of our friends is a mortician...in case we need some dead mans blood...
- Everything now has something to blame. Dirty dishes? probably an evil spirit. Shadows? Probably shadow people.
- Darkness=Scary.
- What were those indian legends on the reservation next door...skinwalkers?
- Oh, and crazy dreams. Don't worry though. In my last one I was in trouble so I would pause my dream and photoshop what ever the problem was out of the picture....which could lead me to another post: "the consequences of doing too much editing..."
We LOVE Supernatural. Jon really isn't into scary stuff...and really neither am I when it comes down to it, but this TV series is awesome! It is just a little bit of scary...not too much. Love it!
{relationships}: food

{idaho}: a pilgrimage
So, we recently returned from a trip home to Idaho. We haven't been home in over a year, so it was wonderful to go home and visit. The weather was fabulous! Now is definitely the time to be there and not here!

I have gained a testimony of this stuff. We decided to pull an all-night drive to get home (planning on leaving around 6-ish) and we didn't get out of town until 9PM! Both of us have been sick with allergies, sore throats and whatever else and by then we were super tired...so I chugged one of these. I'd never had one before and they WORK! I was alive! And it was the moment I drank it that I popped awake! Amazing! Anyway, we survived and pulled into home sweet home around 5 in the AM! UG.
For those of you that have your families close...squeeze them extra hard next time you see them. I miss my family. I miss Jon's family. So much. Seeing all of them, all at once was so wonderful. We had the opportunity to start working on some of Jon's family history work while we were there and it has been the coolest thing in the world to be able to begin to put things together. It's hard...our neices and nephews keep growing...my siblings are turning into adults...and I feel like we blinked and missed it! We love St. George and I think it will be home to us...but it is so wonderful to visit IF town...
{vulnerability}: rejection
I need another cookie...