
{nostalgia}: journals

I have a feeling that many of my next posts will be nostalgic. Cleaning out my third bedroom has opened the flood gates-and I'm sure they will continue to flow as I continue to sort and clean. I am so glad that I kept a journal during so many random stages of life. I've never solidly kept a journal-there are many breaks inbetween months of journaling, but I wrote about so many important times in my life. One of the most important-while I was dating my husband. I thought I had lost that journal and I didn't! Just finding it was so cool but what I found inside was even better. The neatest thing in the world-the day that I first told my husband that I love him was August 17, 2004. Our first baby was born EXACTLY 5 years later on August 17, 2009 after almost 5 years of being married. How cool is that?!!?! I was blown away. It's so cool to have exact dates of when we met, dated, kissed, he proposed, everything. All journaled in this special book.
Also, I have realized that I'm so glad to be past dating-oh the angst!! I was one sad case when I was still dating-marriage has been nice and stable for me. And I sure do like my husband-he wins the contest for best roommate hands down. MMmmmmm....memories...


  1. That us soooo fun about the dates in your life! Love journaling. Way fun.

  2. That's very cool - and kinda crazy.

    I know the day Jerm and I first said I love you as well. Although I probably should write it down somewhere for posterity. Happy nostalgic cleaning!


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