{I've kept adding and adding to this, so i think it will be revisited a bit before it's done.}
This year has been a year of great kindnesses for us. We have been blessed by so many more than we could ever know. We have been showered with love, support, gifts, advice, and food:- Thank you to all of you that pay your taxes. You paid for my Zofran, prenatal care, and childbirth. Without medicaid I could not have survived my pregnancy (literally) and would not have the beautiful baby I have today.
- Thank you for the baby gifts and help. We needed it.
- Thank you to my Relief Society for providing meals for 2 weeks instead of one.
- Thank you Jessa, for lifting my spirits and coming to visit for my birthday-I needed you then.
- Thank you for your help, all of you at the Bridal Show. I could not have done it without all of you!
- Thank you, ALL of you that helped us move. We physically would not have been able to do it alone-I was getting big then.
- Thank you too the wonderful people that take care of our housing-we are so blessed to live in such a clean, friendly environment.
- Thank you to all of Jon's professors for letting him off the hook every now and again.
- Thank you Shroomies for feeding us. You have kept my husband alive!
- Thank you all our friends for going on picnics, camping, swimming, and sitting on our couch to watch movies. We love you all and need your support.
- Thank you Jon Cross for the Chinese food. It has never tasted better than when you brought it to us.
- Thank you parents, all of you, for everything.
- Thank you Dave for everything. Especially for posting every season of the Office and Flight of the Concords on the server. That got me through the last of the pregnancy
- Thank you Christina...you poor woman stuck with me in the August heat and grumpiness.
- Thank you Anna for offering me the job-we miss you.
- Thank you for the Christmas Cookies and delicious Cinnamon rolls...mmmm...
- Thank you for coming to the blessing...it was wonderful to have you all meet our baby girl
- Thank you for visiting in the hospital...I love you all.
- Thanks for coming to visit me in my store-I love seeing friends!
- Thank you to everyone for everything. We love you all and have had quite the year. I can't imagine what is in store for us in 2010!
- Thank you Sarah, for your blog and telling me you can't spoil a newborn. I've passed that on to many...
- Oh, and thank you, whoever left a washer and dryer on our back porch. I don't even know what to say it was such a surprise. At least let us know who it was so we can hug you...