We had a fun Easter. It was a bit of an afterthought this year because we moved in 5 days before it happened, but the Easter bunny remembered us! Paisley was spoiled rotten. Her poor sister only got applesauce! lol
The best thing ever-we wake up Saturday morning to Paisley saying "Oh MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH-MOOOOMM OH MY GOSH!!!" She had found her Easter basket and was VERY excited.We got to the Easter Egg Hunt at 9:55. Jon dropped us off to go park the car and by the time he found a place to park and got Stella in the stroller it was all over (10:05). She got super distracted by the scattered candy and did not pick up a single egg!!
We had my sis and her husband over and my parents here because they watched our kids while we were on our cruise! It was so fun having family over to our new house!
I tried the pinterest shaving cream eggs...I didn't work out like I thought it would. It was fun, but I was really glad my Mom brought a traditional egg dying set up.
Paisley loved lining up all of her eggs in a row to admire them.
A shaving cream egg...they just weren't as marbled and colorful as I wanted them to be...
My Dad was so funny and drew Jon and I on a boat since we left that night to go on our cruise!