
{love}: zumba

I love zumba.  I don't know if I can really express how much I love it.  Dance is home to me.  I grew up doing ballet-lots and lots of ballet and I hadn't been able to replace that void for the longest time...until I found zumba.  And it was a VOID-a hole in my heart.  Once you've grown to love something so much...having it taken away was really hard on me.  I recently had a conversation with a friend who was a rock-climber he was talking about how climbing uses every single muscle-so much so that you have to push everything else out of your mind and just focus on what you're doing.  The same goes for dance.  It requires focus and discipline...and it becomes a meditation of another kind.  I love it.  I am growing to love my instructors more and more as I get to know them and I am so grateful to have found this amazing outlet in my life!  If you haven't found something that lights you up inside don't ever stop looking!!  It's out there for you...and it may just be zumba!!  Love it...love all of it!  xoxo


  1. Glad you found it. I felt that way too when I discovered yoga years ago. It filled the void of having a body that no longer really dances like it used to. But that is ok. I would not give up the 41 years and 4 kids ...


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